Mooncatchers with Sequidistus after an intense semi-final. Photo credits: Sesquidistus
The Mooncatchers, for the first time in history, finally managed to take home Gold at this mythical tournament, Devil's Heaven, Silver Edition 2016, that took place on the 20th and 21st February 2016.
Talking about silver, we had got used to the silver medal, having never ranked higher than second place. But this time was different.
We started the tournament Friday night at Job Mulder's place. A big thanks to him for welcoming us!
A well-spirited final to end the tournament.
Photo credits: Niek Bakker
The format of the tournament was a Swiss Draw, which can be suprising in indoor. We managed to rank second after 5 victories. We won the quarter-final against "a betere team". The semi-final was great, we played our friends Sesquidistus. With a sudden death at 6-6 and 4 turnovers, the Moon finally took the match.
The team enjoying a well-deserved Burger King
The big final was against DDT All Stars. We know that team pretty well, as we already had lost two finals against them in the past editions. We managed to take the lead and to play calmly against a good zone.
The final score was 8-6, with a few great moves and a very nice spirit of the game from both parts.
Thanks to Patricia, Eva, Benoit, Arnaud, Claudio, Bilal, Valentin, Gaban, Hugues and Pierre for this really fun and enjoyable tournament.
More pictures by Claudio Kuhlmann can be found here.