Guys and girls, from far and wide,
Something very exciting is happening this weekend. For those of you reading this, I think you are very much aware (if not, INFORM YOURSELVES) that this weekend is... OBJECTIF MOON 2016.
Now this isn't just any tournament. As you probably all know, Objectif Moon takes place in one of the nicest indoor sports halls in Belgium (adequately baptised "The Hammerdome"), and certainly always gives the players a time to remember. Furthermore, you can expect a heck of a tournament if you just think of the ones organizing it... Yes yes, The Moons.
As you probably also know, Objectif Moon wasn't held last year. Do you see what I'm getting at? A very large chunk of Moonesque energy has built up over the past two years, finally had a chance to come out, and was entirely put into organizing this weekend's tournament (cfr the amazing work our organizing team has been doing, portrayed in the pictures).
Objectif Moon 2016 preparation in full swing.
This means that this weekend will not just be a normal one. It will not be a usual Objectif Moon either. It's going to be the best. The craziest. The most amazing, splendid and WONDERFUL Objectif Moon that you have seen YET!
You didn't know all this? Well, you do now.
So go ahead and get a good night's rest because believe me, you're going to need it.
Most Sincerely,
A very excited bunch of Mooncatchers.
Are you ready? The Flying Squirrel, as they call him, certainly seems to be.
PS: This is a kind reminder that the first meeting point will be at the school Notre-Dame des Champs, Rue Roberts Jones 24, 1180 Uccle, Belgium.