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Belgian Ultimate Indoor Championships (BUIC) Intro - Focus: Baby Moon

This year, the indoor season kicked off quite well for our club, with our team winning the Martini Cup, the Netherlands’ biggest indoor tournament.
However, it is time to review how our teams are doing in the Belgian Ultimate Indoor Championships (BUIC). Indeed, this year, we have 6 teams competing in various divisions, and some with a chance to make it to the finals, better known as "The Playoffs”.

Focus : Baby Moon (by Tof)

"Nightmare Baby Moon”, as they call themselves...
Raised by Olivier Cassart to the 5th division last year, we gave up our spot to the New Moon team. The team is based on the players who won the U16 Pigearth Schmindoor Cup on Sunday 15th November. I'll try to guide them while playing with Ian, our recruit from XLR8RS, and Mitja, Schmitt’s nephew from Gentle.
We want to win all our games. As we start in the eighth division, we would like to finish this season in the fifth one.
This team is composed of: Tof Bihin, Sofiene Bontemps, Mitja Desmet, Nicolas Hoquez, Kuba Labaszewski, Ernest Marcsuk, Cassandre Tirions, Ian Vande Bemden, Gaëtan Vanden Broeck, Antoine Moulard, Charlotte Gullentops, Christian Marczuk, Ethan Plaideau, Aymeric Tiercet, Amaury Top and Cyril Vanden Broeck.